Clifford Park Special School has a number of strong partnerships in the school and local community.
Clifford Park Special School P and C
The Clifford Park Special School P and C meets at a designated time every month. The P and C has direct input into the curriculum direction of the school through the notification of specific curriculum based excursions. The P and C is also very active in the raising of funds for curriculum activities including equipment and camps for all students.
Parents and the extended community enjoy a number of social engagements throughout the year including a Car Show, a Trivia Night, and a Race Day. The P and C also engages directly with students through the holding of Mother Day and Father Day stalls. They support the very popular annual Christmas Markets.
Senior Schooling - ready for life after school
Through our Senior Schooling program, Clifford Park Special School has built strong relationships with the local community. Our PATH (Planning Alternate Tomorrows with Hope) program plans for engagement of students in the local community. Specific Disability Providers are interacted with through our Post School Sampling Program. Students and parents are able to determine appropriate after school placements for their children through a specific program that actively allows engagement in placements to test suitability.
Volunteer placements, work experience and work placements are opportunities for students to try out suitable work based activities. The school has many partners on board with work placements within our local community. These include landscapers, mechanics, schools, aged care facilities and retail outlets. In addition students can participate in formal Certificate and Traineeship courses to extend their educational learning through our partnerships with training organisations.
Department of Communities/Therapy based organisations/Disability Accommodation Providers
Clifford Park Special School engages with many partners who share our responsibility for the wellbeing of our students.
These include, but are not limited to, Department of Communities Child Safety and Disability Services; Child Youth Mental Health Services; Support Coordinators through the NDIS; and private therapists. The school is part of the overall stakeholder group that manages student outcomes in the area of wellbeing.

Special Education Curriculum Cluster (SECC)
The Special Education Curriculum Cluster (SECC) operates as a professional learning community with a focus on quality and accessible curriculum implementation for students with disability. Our emphasis is on working, learning and improving together.
For information about memberships and events use the contacts below.
Coordinator: Hannah Gutke
Secretariat: Darren Marks
Chairpersons: Gail Williams & Susan Monaghan
Steering Committee Members: Fleur Watson, Darren Greenway, Sarah Lester
Mailing address: SECC c/o Clifford Park Special School, 19 Rob Street, Newtown 4350
Phone Contact: 07 4614 5333
SECC Events Padlet: Current flyers, registrations and EOI links all in one place!
SECC Mailing List: Share your details to be included in our mailing list
Members and non-members can be included in this list.
Updates include information about our upcoming events, and event registration details.
Membership: Online Membership Form