Clifford Park Special School is a Queensland Department of Education secondary school setting that provides extensive levels of educational support to a diverse student population.
The school is situated on well-maintained grounds, has an indoor heated pool, sporting facilities, modern accessible classroom facilities, including access to ICTs. Clifford Park Special School is the only secondary special school located in Toowoomba. It provides a safe and supportive learning environment for students transitioning to high school from our local primary schools, the special school (primary only) and other primary schools in the valley and outlying rural areas. All of our students have an intellectual disability. More than half of students at Clifford Park Special School also have other complexities which may include mental health diagnoses, and additional disability categories such as physical disabilities, hearing impairment, visual impairment, and autism spectrum disorder.
Our Explicit Improvement Agenda is
Tailored Supports for Students. In Years 7 to 10, the Australian Curriculum forms the basis of the curriculum framework, with a strong focus on teaching age equivalent content in all learning areas. In Years 11 and 12, students engage in the Applied Syllabus Humanities and Social Sciences, Social and Community Studies. In our senior schooling, we have a relentless approach to finding meaningful postschool pathways for our students using the Planning Alternate Tomorrows with Hope (PATH) process.
Students with complex communication needs are well catered for through the use of Augmentative and Alternate Communication (AAC) devices. Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is our whole school framework that is used to improve student behaviour, learning and wellbeing.
Our school pillars are Connect, Learn and Achieve. We empower our students to reach their full potential through an inclusive curriculum and community partnerships. We believe in: People First - everything we do is centered on the students we serve;
Collaboration - our impact is strengthened by teamwork, trust, and community partnerships;
Diversity - We value, support and advocate for our diverse learners;
Dedication - we innovate and deliver the highest quality curriculum programs;
Community - we create communities of support for individuals with special needs and their families.
Download a copy of the
Clifford Park Special School Strategic Plan 2022–2025 (PDF, 595KB).